Tips to keep your energy bills low

Energy bills are a necessity but nobody likes paying them. We’ve come up with some easy tips to help you make your home more efficient, and help you save money on bills to spend on an extra pay day treat.

  1. Replace your lightbulbs – Using energy efficient lightbulbs instead of standard ones can help you save on electricity.
  2. Cover up draughts – Draughts can lead to your home losing heat, so by covering them up you won’t have to turn up the heating, making your home much more energy efficient.
  3. Run your washing machine when it is full – Washing half loads is sometimes
    a necessity, but doing all of your laundry in one go when possible means you use your washing machine less, helping you save energy.
  4. Keep your fridge full – it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain its temperature, meaning it doesn’t waste as much energy.
  5. Switch appliances off standby – It sounds simple, but everyone is guilty of leaving things on standby. Turning appliances off altogether instead of leaving them on standby can make a big difference to your bills.